Drama & Literary Club
Our Drama & Literary Club is a platform for students to be immersed into the wonderful literary world of the English Language. Aside from exploring drama skills and techniques, students are exposed to the different genres of storybooks, explore creative writing techniques, discover the quirks and joys of the English Language and the way it opens up to different perspectives of life.
In Drama & Literary Club, students are given the freedom to unleash their creativity and imagination. While students partake in a diverse range of activities, these engagements serve as a platform to hone their socio-emotional learning. The activities range from staging a puppet show to acting in front of an audience, writing poems, and even performing spoken word. They will also get the chance to attend workshops by professionals to get first-hand knowledge and insight on acting. Students will get to try a myriad of activities that will open up their minds, enrich their language experience, improve their English and strengthen their love for it.
Through our programmes, we endeavour to groom every student with future-ready skills, honing their socio-emotional learning and moulding them to become a confident person, concerned citizen, active contributor and self-directed learner. Students will get to try a myriad of activities that will build their confidence, nourish their sense of empathy, enrich their English language experience and strengthen their love for it.
Teachers In-Charge |
Ms Tay Shwu Yueh (I/C) |
Mdm Humairah ( Asst I/C ) |
Mrs Maria Chua |